
Chapter 3 - Gruesome discovery

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Yin woke up with a satisfied sigh. For the first time in days he had finally been able to sleep through without any disturbance. He allowed himself to sleep until his body woke up on its own. He looked up at the ceiling as he thought about his dreams. That ooman female whom he had seen earlier, had reappeared again. Although this time only as a barely there shadow.

He wondered to himself if this was nothing but a coincidence or if it actually meant something important. Did Umar'Wrott try to tell him something? To Yin this was a possibility as he was a strictly religious yautja. But then again, this ooman female had only revealed herself twice now; it was probably just a coincidence. After all Yin had not lain with a female for several months. It could just be his hormones speaking, but why a ooman female and not one of his own? He eventually shrugged it off and pulled his bed blanket aside. It was time to get ready for the day and the upcoming mission.

Moments later he found himself in his bathing quarters, having settled down in to his bathing pool and taking his time washing himself. Allowing himself to enjoy the moment and the soothing warm water against his skin. For the time being he had forgotten everything about the strange ooman female.

Holding the soaped sponge in his right hand he started to massage himself with round circular motions. He was going from one arm to the shoulders, down the other arm, and eventually down his back, and loin towards his legs. All while purring in deep content. This could very well be his last bath for several days, perhaps even weeks.

Once done he tossed the sponge aside and dipped himself bellow the surface of the water, washing off all the added soap for then emerging back up through the water in a real classic sexy hunk manner. Flexing his muscles and shaking his head lightly to get the remaining dripping water off of his dreadlocks.

Slowly he made his way back to the edge of the pool and the stairs leading up out of the water. He grabbed the sponge as he left the pool and squeezed every little bit of remaining drops out of it before taking it back to a small metallic holder on the wall right next to his towel. There was no need to throw away the sponge as it would still be useful for at least a couple more baths. Yin liked to recycle what could be recycled, why throw away things that could still serve a purpose?

He then grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his shoulders and started to dry himself of, from head to feet, enjoying the soft feeling of the cotton as oomans called it. This towel was made of the type of cotton found on the oomans homeworld planet. In fact the towel itself had been made by oomans. Yin had happened to stumble across a handful of these types of towels a few years back during his last Earth hunt and had taken the liberty to snatch a few of them from the outdoor string they had been hung up on in some of the prey's backyard. That had however been out of curiosity, wanting to study these types of cloth a little closer to see how oomans made clothes out of plants rather than animal hides like his own people did.

It had been his good friend and clan brother Hult'ah that had told him after Yin had shown him the strange looking cloth, that he had seen oomans use these to dry themselves with after showering. And so these towels had ended up in Yin's own bathing quarters and he had found himself liking them and the soft feeling against his skin while getting dry.

Once fully dry he hung the towel back up on the wall and made his way back to his sleeping quarters in order to dress up with a clean pair of loincloth. He  then continued his way towards the cockpit, where he sat down and checked his coordinates. He would be at the edge of the oomans solar system within a few minutes.

Pushing a few buttons on the cockpit he slowed down the speed of his ship right in time for the sight of Pluto emerging in the distance and slowly growing bigger as he approached. From now on it would be wise to steer the ship at half speed in order not to risk any accidents with the many asteroids in this solar system.

While slowly approaching Earths atmosphere Yin took the time to look over the distress call one more time, making sure about the exact coordinates and message. But no matter how hard he tried he could find no meaning in the message other than the SOS part. Eventually he shrugged his shoulders and turned off the recorded distress call and went back to concentrate about his current route. Earth was now within sight.

Within minutes he found himself hovering just above Earth's atmosphere. He stopped his ship and turned on the cloaking device, hiding the ship from any potential unwelcome eyes. Oomans had developed fast within the last couple of centuries according to their own history. While they still lacked the intelligence and knowledge to start space traveling past their own moon, they had already developed a technology that allowed them to take photographs of what was right outside their own atmosphere. No yautja could risk them to find out about their existence. There were strict rules on that part. Rules that the intergalactic convention, formed by all yautja clans, had agreed on. Rules that every single clan had to follow without exception.

He went over the cockpit one last time to make sure that everything was as it should be. The cloaking device had covered the entire ship. He then stood up and walked back to his sleeping quarters and entered his armory room where he started to dress up, preparing for the forthcoming mission. After having donned his netting suit, he started to look over his different types of armor as he pondered to himself what kind of mission this could turn in to. He would most definitely need an armor that could withstand bullets from the oomans primitive but lethal weapons.

As he was trying to make up his mind he let his fingers stroll across one of his favorite armors and then on to the next in line. A dark, gray, flat, welded armor. It was not his favorite armor and it would do well on this mission. It had already proved its worth on many hunts but was however weak against the hard meats blood. But what it lacked in protection from xenomorph blood it made up for in protection from the oomans primitive weapons. His helmet had a fine but old build in infrared feature.

He glanced back at his favorite armor but then shrugged. He had no plans about running in to any xenomorphs or at least not many of them. He would most likely run in to a lot of oomans instead though. He took the armor down from the wall and started to put it on. First the cod and shin plates, then the shoulders and chest plate before grabbing his wristblades and wrist gauntlet. He then attached his biohelmet to his belt, there was no need to put that one on just yet.

He turned around to face the opposite wall where he kept all of his weapons. His wristblades should be more than enough but just in case, it could be a good idea to bring along at least one or two more weapons. He glanced at his many different devices for several minutes before making up his mind. He finally picked up his shuriken and a spear.

Soon after he had made his way back to the cockpit and was now maneuvering his ship steadily but carefully through the edge of the atmosphere. Staying just out of reach of the oomans own primitive airplanes as he made his way towards the coordinates, which took him to a part of Earth where he had never been before. Seemingly it looked like a very long but thin island.

As he lowered his ship further and further down, the coordinates directed him towards a tiny island outside the much longer, thin island. This tiny island had not even been visible from up high and he mused. This island was surely so secluded from anything else that anyone with unclean intentions could easily hide out there without ever getting caught. What could possibly go on down there for a yautja to have sent out a distress call? Was there even humans living there? Yin was in deep thoughts as he made his way down towards the ground and found himself a small clearing at the center of a forest. It was big enough for him to use it as a landing point with his semi small ship.

Once the familiar vibrant thud could be felt through the floor, he turned off the engines of his ship. He kept on some of the electricity in order to keep a few lights on within the ship and the cloaking of the outside parts of the ship. He moved his fingers across the cockpit, typed in a few commands before opening his wrist gauntlet, moved it close to the cockpit, and started to download the coordinates to the built in mini computer. Now he was ready.

With his biohelmet on now, he stepped down from the ramp of his ship to the semi moist forest floor, and took a look around as the ramp closed behind him locking the ship down. It had been a while since last he had been on this planet and its strange looking vegetation. Checking his gauntlet once more he pinpointed the direction in which the distress call came from and started to walk, making his way through the forest towards a tall thick tree. He leaps up into it, placing himself on one of the highest branches that was thick enough to support his weight.

He would have to stay silent and careful as it was the middle of the day and he could not risk running in to any oomans. This was not a soft meat hunt and besides, it would only slow him down and take his concentration off the mission if the oomans started to panic and attack him. He scanned the area around him from up high and then turned on his cloaking device before taking a leap.

Leaping from tree to tree he steadily made his way towards the destination and soon found himself right in front of a tall concrete wall, barbwire covering its top. This was obviously a human fort of some sort. Tilting his head he wondered to himself if this could be it. Checking his gauntlet one last time he realized that the signal came from within this ooman area.

Taking off from the branch he soon found himself back on the ground. There was no trees leading closer to the fort and the walls were too far away for him to be able to reach it with a single jump. Moving in closer he turned on the infrared vision inside his biohelmet, now able to see any nearby ooman that much easier. Moving in closer to the wall turned out to be all too easy. He started to circle around it, looking for a way in until he reached a few containers. Stepping up onto them, the wall would not be too high for him to jump.

Climbing on the containers he took a leap towards the top, carefully placing his feet out of range from the barbwire. He then took another leap, landing on a rooftop. Silently he made his way to the edge and took a look around. The area in front and to his left was deserted but to his right a group of oomans were following the lead of another, copying every move from the lead ooman. Obviously what they were doing seemed to be some sort of exercise. Yin tilted his head. He had seen this kind of behavior and movements before. This was a warrior camp, so meant that most likely only males were around.

His fingers started to itch as temptations kicked in. Humans were so much fun to hunt. What a shame that he had a mission to concentrate on in the middle of this Mecca of potential good trophies. Shaking his head lightly he told himself no and turned his attention back towards a shack far to the left. The signal came from there. Still unseen he jumped down from the rooftop to the concrete covered ground, making his way forward towards the shack.

Today was Mr. Yokoyama's turn to stand guard. This was one of his most hated duties, but who could argue against the Sergeant? The orders were clear, stand guard, do not move! And once an hour, patrol the outer walls of the compound to make sure that no one was trying to get inside. Mr. Yokoyama rolled his eyes. There was never anyone trying to break in here. As a matter of fact, this part of the island was deserted. No tourism and no residents. Nothing but an elderly man who once a year took a bunch of snotty kids on a mini vacation at his family's old farm plot.

Even after they had found that alien corpse and its spaceship, the Sergeant had gone paranoid. Thinking that aliens would come and reclaim the body or even worse, his arch enemy, a Sergeant from another compound on the mainland moving in and take all the credit for the discovery. He had ordered his men to start patrolling and guard this base all twenty four hours of the day non stop, greedy as he was for fame.

He glanced down at his watch, still another ten minutes left before the patrolling where he could finally get a chance to stretch his legs. He felt a light pull on the leash in his hand, followed by a second much harder pull and glanced down at his dog, a German Shepard by the name Mieko.

"Mieko, NO!" He scolded.

He gave the leash a pull, trying to put his dog in its place; it was not yet time for them to start moving. Mieko however ignored his master as he was just doing what he had been trained to do. Pulling the leash in direction of the strange scent he had just caught. He lowered his head in a deep growl and started to bark out of control in direction of the shack. Mr. Yokoyama rolled his eyes. This was not the first time that Mieko went nuts over the single tree standing by the shack. A couple of squirrels had settled down there a few weeks back and Mieko happened to love chasing them. He gave one more hard pull on the leash as his temper started to get the better of him. If the Sergeant saw this he would get in trouble for not standing still and on duty, all because of this lousy fleabag.

Mieko yelped at the hard pull to his throat and looked up at his master with a whimper, unable to understand why he was being scolded for doing his job. Someone was over there! why could his master not see it? With a low sigh he sat down but kept glancing towards the shack and and two spots of yellow light in mid air that had seemingly just blinked at him. Mieko growled at the presence silently.

Yin had stopped and glanced back at the animal that had just dared to bark at him. He stood still as the ooman glanced in his direction. Sure he still had his cloaking turned on, but the omans were known to have a rather good eyesight. If he moved too quickly, his cloaking would not keep him hidden from their sight at this close range. Especially not while his potential prey was staring right at him. The ooman looked away and seemingly scolded his animal companion. The animal whimpered but kept its eyes on him and for a brief moment their eyes met. Yin shrugged it off, ignored the dog and its growling, continuing on his way towards the shack.

Yin looked at the wreckage that was left of the ship. It had clearly been a one hunter's ship. He walked up to the wreckage, moving his fingers along the side of it towards a big hole on its side, until his fingers reached a tiny panel. The panel was worn out and had clearly taken some damage, however not from the impact to the ground. Someone had been trying to break it open, the oomans of course. Peeking inside the ship he found nothing but two empty smashed containers and a green blood stained cockpit. The blood had coagulated by now, hinting that this had happened at least a week ago if not more. With a low growl he left the shack, the ship had obviously been too damaged for him to fly it away. Now would actually have been a good moment to set off his inbuilt wrist bomb but curiosity had gotten the better of him. He wanted to look for the supposedly dead yautja and find out what had happened. If the oomans had taken anything from the supposedly dead body, he would have to reclaim it before the oomans could get a chance to study it even further.

He stepped out from the wreckage and with one last glance on it he then turned around and left the shack. Supposedly IF the oomans had taken anything in order to study it, it would most likely be kept safe in their main building, or so he hoped. He turned his gaze towards the center building, the one of which roof he had stood upon moments before. It was the biggest building within this compound; logically this would have to be the main building and headed towards it.

Entering the building through the open main door he found himself in a large white room. A tech counter was placed at the other end of the room and behind it, a ooman male was sitting. He obviously was busy staring into a book of some sort. In front of him, built into the counter was a numerous amount of small monitors, all showing a picture of different outside and indoor areas. One of which revealed a picture of the inside area of the shack. If the ooman had just been paying attention moments before as he should have, he would probably have noticed Yin poking around the ship, cloaking device or not.

Shaking his head lightly at the stupidity of these oomans, he continued forward and made his way further into the building, sneaking past a couple of warriors, and much to his luck the building seemed deserted. Turning a few corridors he soon found his way to a long sterile hallway. There were large open rooms on each side with glass walls and glass doors facing the hallway he was in. Two rooms further down the hallway he soon found what he had been looking for and as he had expected he was much too late. With a crushed skull the dissected dead body had been placed on a long metallic table. Much of his gear, including his biohelmet had been removed from his body. Turning his head he noticed another table on which the helmet, wristblades and wrist gauntlet had been placed. Much to his horror, two dead and dissected facehuggers lay there as well.

Without thinking twice he let out a surprised clattering growl and burst forward, banging the door open and causing the glass to break. The impact with his body into glass door causing his cloaking to fail on him but he payed it no heed as he rushed forward up to the dead body. He turned off the infrared vision to get a better look at the body before turning towards the dissected facehuggers. Over  to the side of the dead facehuggers stood a ooman male with wide open mouth as he stared unbelievable in direction of Yin and slowly, ever so slowly, with his back pressed against the wall, made his way towards the door. Yin tilted his head, staring right back at the ooman and it dawned for him that his cloaking cover had failed on him.

With a single twitch of his right hand his wristblades emerged from their sheath and he stepped forward. The ooman had to die now that it had seen him. With a loud yipping noise his prey spun around and rushed out of the room in panic as he screamed out words that was gibberish in Yin's ears. He was just about to leap forward to chase the ooman out but then, from the corner of his eyes, he spotted the dead yautja's wrist gauntlet. There was no way in hell that Yin would be able to move both the dead body, the wrecked ship, and take care of the xenomorphs which were probably hiding somewhere inside this building. And last but not least, seek out all oomans who knew anything about this stolen technology and kill them, without alerting all the others. There was only one way out, the place had to be destroyed.

He felt like hunting all the oomans and then the two xenomorphs, but with the risk of getting killed before being able to clean up the area and erase every single proof of the yautjs presence here. He would have to let it go this time and put duty above bloodlust once more. He grabbed the dead yautjas gauntlet, opened it, typed in the code to activate the bomb. He set the range to include this whole camp area and gave himself five minutes to get away before pushing one last button, starting the countdown. Dropping the gauntlet to the floor and snatch the dead yautjas biohelmet from the table, he rushed out of the room just in time to hear an alarm traveling through the entire building. The one ooman who had escaped before had managed to alert the others.

Turning down the corridor he turned his infrared vision back on and ran into the two warriors from before, pushing them aside as they stood on his way, he payed no attention to their guns before they opened fire. Most bullets missed but a few found their way into his back, and left side, causing him to roar out in pain but he refused to stop. The oomans followed him but stood little chance to keep up with his greater speed. Once reaching the outside area he found much to his surprise, that most of the other oomans not yet having been alerted. However now that his cloaking no longer kept him invisible it only took them seconds to realize the presence of the enormous alien creature and panic settled in. Some of them froze on the spot, others running around in panic not knowing what to do. He leaped up on the top of the main building. From there to the rooftop on which he had entered the camp, up over top of the high barbwire covered surrounding wall. Finally a few of the oomans realized what was really going on and rushed forward with their guns loaded and ready.

Yin however was already out of reach, safe on the other side of the wall, with the view of freedom and cover just ahead. A few more steps and he would be close enough to leap for the cover of the trees. With his eyes fixed on the trees ahead he failed noticing a black creature sitting on the side of the wall he had just leaped down from. It was watching him with much interest before it leaped at him, knocking him to the ground with a loud hiss. With huge sharp claws penetrating deep within his skin, drawing green luminous blood to the ground, the creature held him in a death grip. Its jaws hovering just above his forehead as it slowly opened them, ready to bite.

Yin growled in surprise as the creature hit him with such a force that it managed to knock him to the ground, the biohelmet in his hand rolled off to the side, surprised to see the drone outside the ooman camp. He growled back at the hard meat, knowing what was about to come but he had no time for this. Quicker than the drone could react, he shot up with his massive clawed hands. He closed one hand tight around its cheek, the other tight around its throat, attempting to strangulate it and make it release its death grip on him. Having its airway blocked, the drone immediately let go of Yin's body and with his legs he kicked the drone off of him, smacking it in to the wall, head first.

The drone fell to the ground unconscious and Yin jumped up and rushed towards the trees as electric charges could be heard behind him. Seconds later the explosion went off. Waves from the blast reaching Yin before he could manage to get away, pushing him forward. Slammed into a tree he went unconscious and rolled down a steep hill. His body taking several blows from rocks on the ground. Finally his body came to an end on the cold moist forest floor.
Third chapter of my fan novel "Call of nature"

Enjoy :)



Predators and aliens are © FOX
Story and remaining world © Ann Brix 2010
© 2010 - 2024 ziba
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hidro240's avatar
what if when he wakes up a little kid is poking him with a stick but relly nice work i like it